
All students are expected to attend school on a daily basis as long as they are well. It is a parent's legal responsibility to ensure their child's regular school attendance. If your child is absent, you must telephone the school at (718) 850-0738 and notify us of the absence. When your child returns to school a doctor's note or handwritten note from you explaining the reason for the absence must be provided to the teacher.
Family vacations or extended trips should be planned for school vacations. Trips taken during the regular school year are unauthorized and will be recorded in your child's permanent record. If you must take your child out of school, you must come to the office before your trip and provide us with the destination where you will stay, including a full address (street address, city, and state or country). We will also need your telephone number or that of an alternate person who can contact you at your destination. You must provide us with a return date and notify the school if your trip is extended.
Please bring your child to school on time. The school day begins promptly at 8:00 AM. Arriving late means your child misses valuable instruction and disrupts the teacher and other students' instruction.
Absences and lateness harm your child's educational progress. Your cooperation in following the school's policy is greatly appreciated.