Community & Citywide Educational Councils » Elections


2023 Community and Citywide Education Council Elections

The 32 Community Education Councils and 4 Citywide Education Councils make important decisions regarding your child’s education. Learn about the councils, the election, and how to run for a seat on an Education Council by attending a virtual (Zoom) Information Session and D 75 Information Sessions, occurring daily throughout the Application Period, from January 9th - February 13th. Interpretation is available. Visit for the links to these sessions.

In order to run for a seat on an Education Council, you must have an NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) to which you have linked all your children attending NYC public schools. The account must be in your name. If you do not have an NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) or need assistance in registering your children to your existing account, please contact Andrea Kelly, Parent Coordinator. For detailed instructions, visit the NYCSA Account Set Up Guide for Parents, available in multiple languages. To run for a seat on a council, visit:

All parents with a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) are also eligible and encouraged to vote for Community Education Council Members in April and May.

For questions about the 2023 elections email: [email protected]